
发布时间:2024-03-24   来源:英语作文    









"Water is the source of life!" If there is no water, the earth will dry up; If there is no water, living things will perish; If there is no water, there will be no our beautiful world. We should cherish every drop of water and every tear of Mother Earth.

According to data, the freshwater resources on the earth that can be directly used by human beings account for only 0.3% of the earth. Most areas on the earth are seriously short of water. Many trees, villages and fields are swallowed by desert, and the desert area is gradually expanding. The reduction of freshwater resources has seriously affected the economic construction of human beings and is also threatening the survival of human beings. Saving water and protecting water resources have aroused great attention of all mankind.

However, how many people will save water resources? In our real life, around us, if you observe carefully, you will find that the waste of water resources is amazing. First of all, let"s talk about our school. We often find that there is no one beside the faucet in the public toilet, but the water in the faucet flows out drop by drop. A little makes a lot, which will waste a lot of water. We have also seen that the faucet or pipe in the school is broken, and a lot of water flows out. Whenever I see this situation, I will hurry to turn off the tap. If I can"t turn it off, I will tell the teacher to repair it in time.

In life, we don"t pay attention to saving water at home. For example, the water for washing rice and vegetables and washing face is poured into the sewer basin by basin. In fact, the water can be reused. I saw my mother use the water for washing vegetables. My mother said that the water for washing rice also has the function of sterilization and disinfection. The water for washing vegetables is reserved for washing dishes. The water for washing clothes and faces is used to flush the toilet. In the past, when I brushed my teeth, I always used to wash while the tap was on. My father saw it and criticized me severely. He reasoned with me and conducted field tests to make me understand how much water I would waste if I brushed my teeth once. My father took a bucket and put it under the tap for two minutes. He said that this was the water that I would waste at least once when I brushed my teeth. I didn"t know, but I was shocked when I saw it. Half of the bucket of clean water was carelessly wasted by me and went into the sewer for nothing. Since then, this bad habit has disappeared from me, and I also know how to cherish water and save water.

China does not have much fresh water resources. As the slogan says, "The last drop of water in the world will be the tears of mankind". If we waste water resources, rivers will dry up one day. "If there is no water, the wood will wither, and if there is no source, the water will be exhausted." Please start from yourself, and start now to save water!







Water is the source of life and the indispensable important thing in life. We should cherish the water resources on the earth. Water, which is familiar to everyone. Two thirds of the earth"s surface is covered by water. The vast oceans, surging rivers and dotted lakes make the earth beautiful and colorful.

For life, water is the cause of life. Two thirds of an adult"s body is water. Water in blood accounts for 90%. Even bones contain 1/5 of water. A normal person can live for 20-30 days without any food and water, but can only live for one week without water. Therefore, human beings cannot live without water. But do you know that water, the most important thing for our human beings, is gradually leaving us. According to relevant statistics, the total water volume on the earth is 1.36-13.9 billion cubic kilometers. Among them, sea water accounts for 97.3% of the total water volume, while fresh water only accounts for 2.7%. Soil, atmosphere and biology also contain a certain amount of water.

However, 77.2% of fresh water is in the form of glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets, which cannot be directly used; In addition, 22.4% of the groundwater is deep. It costs too much to exploit and use it. Rivers, lakes and shallow groundwater on the ground are available to us, accounting for only 0.32% of the total water volume. Although this percentage is small, available and water can be recycled, why has it become the most concerned topic in the world today? Because some water sources are polluted and unsuitable for use, China is a poor water country, Therefore, it is imperative to cherish water resources.

In our daily life, we often see the phenomenon of wasting and polluting water, such as: the faucet is not tightened, leaking; Lavish water, let the water flow; Waste water and garbage are dumped randomly. Our water resources are very limited and the pollution is so serious that the development will seriously affect everyone"s life. Therefore, we must prevent water pollution and save water.

Everyone should take action and start from the little things around him: such as using the water after washing vegetables and rice to water the flowers, tightening the dripping tap, and not throwing garbage into the river... Students, what meaningful things should we do on holidays or weekends? I think we can start from saving water, reducing pollution and protecting water resources. Let"s take active action and cherish every drop of water on the earth!





Water is an indispensable resource in our life, just as children cannot live without their mothers, and fish cannot live without water. However, some people still don"t know the importance of water to us: factories discharge a lot of sewage, making many fish and frogs lose their homes, and rivers become dirty and smelly; People do not turn off the tap after using water, and the water is lost bit by bit... I don"t know how many people get sick from drinking dirty water, or even die from lack of water.

Today, I finished my homework and came to help my mother wash clothes. After washing the clothes, I saw my mother left the water that had just been washed. I asked doubtfully: "Mom, why did you leave the water after you washed your clothes?" Mother smiled and said: "Although the water for washing clothes is dirty, if you leave the water to mop the floor and wash the toilet, you can save water." Yes, if we all save a drop of water, maybe we can save the lives of people in water scarce areas! A drop of water is a life of our human beings. I want all those who waste water to know that if there is no water, we cannot survive! Without water, there would be no life on the earth! If there is no water, then the last drop of water on the earth will be human tears! Does everyone have the heart to let this beautiful thing become a desert with nothing? Does everyone have the heart to let the beautiful earth become a colorless planet? If you don"t want to, everyone should take action and learn to save water, because water is our life.

For our homeland, for our earth, and for our future, everyone should start from me, save every drop of water, and work hard for a better future!






Water is the source of life. We should protect water resources. If there is no water, trees cannot grow, flowers cannot open, life will stop breathing, and the earth will become a withered and withered planet. Therefore, we should protect this precious source of life.

Before, I didn"t know how to cherish water. I often wasted water and forgot to turn off the tap. But after a little thing, I learned to cherish and protect water resources. It was a summer afternoon. My friends and I were playing games on the grass. Suddenly, my mind flashed: we can play water gun war. Thinking of this, I went home with my partners to fetch the water gun. My water gun has a large capacity, and the water is not full.

I began to inject water into the water gun. After the water was injected, I forgot to turn off the tap and ran out of the house. After playing for a while, my mother just came back. When she saw that my tap was not turned off, she dragged me into the house, He said to me earnestly: "Water is the source of life. Many children in disaster areas cannot drink water, but you are wasting water here. Isn"t this destroying the source of human life?" After listening to my mother"s words, I lowered my head with shame, and decided that I would never waste water again in the future. I would waste my "source of life".

Human beings, water is the source of life, but it is not inexhaustible. We should protect it, not waste water, and protect the resources on which human beings depend!











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